blow, blow, thou winter wind (ttbb)
- Catalog ID: M-22
- First Line: blow, blow, thou winter wind...
- Composer: Horatio Parker
- Voicing: ttbb
- Accompaniment: piano
- Language: English
- Country: United States
- Series: American Partsongs
- Other: men
- Score: View Score
- Sound: Listen
The text for this piece is from Shakespeare’s As You Like It: “Blow, blow thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude:…”
Horatio Parker’s (1863-1919) response to the song commanded by Duke Senior at the end of Act II, Scene 7, seems covertly symphonic in its aspirations, given the richness of its harmonic language and keyboard figuration. The provocation for its creation is unknown, although it was apparently written in 1888.