Teresica Hermana


  • Catalog ID: S-428
  • First Line: Teresica hermana de la fa ra ri ri ra
  • Composer: Mateo Flecha, Arr. Alberto Grau
  • Voicing: sa (contralto)tb
  • Accompaniment: a cappella
  • Language: Spanish
  • Country: Venezuela
  • Series: Musica De Latinoamerica
  • Other: 2015
  • Score: View Score
  • Sound: Listen


Teresica Hermana (“Sister Teresa”) is also a villancico, a term that comes from villanus, that is, a song popular with villagers, who were referred to as villanos. The secular subject of this piece describes the life of the young Teresa and her amorous adventures; this reflects the move from medieval mysticism to the humanistic vitality of the Renaissance. Composer Mateo Flecha, El Viejo (the Elder) was born in Prades in 1481 and died in Poblet in 1553. A Catalan composer of the Spanish Renaissance, Flecha worked as Maestro de Capilla in the cathedrals of Lerida, Guadalajara, Valencia, and Sigüenza. He is also well known for his villancicos and works called ensaladas (eleven in all, of which six survive complete).

This is one of four pieces contained in the octavo Quatro canciones espanolas del Renacimiento (Four Spanish Renaissance Songs).  Other pieces in this octavo are Triste Espana sin ventura, Oy, comamos y bebamos, and Nino Dios de amor herido.