jarba, mare jarba (sa)


  • Catalog ID: S-314
  • First Line: Green grass, tall grass, I would like to go home
  • Composer: Glen Adkins
  • Voicing: sa
  • Accompaniment: guitar, piano
  • Language: Beas (Gypsy)
  • Country: Hungary
  • Other: new for 09 cd09 children
  • Score: View Score
  • Sound: Listen


Járba, Màré Járba should be accompanied by guitar or several guitars, strummed in a percussive Gypsy style and preferably on nylon-stringed (classical) guitars. A piano should be used only when a guitar is not available or in addition to the guitar. The instrumental solo/duet at the beginning can be played by guitar, violin, clarinet, or any treble instruments. The vocal range of Gypsy music is lower than traditional female tessitura, and often male and female voices sing in unison in the same octave. If guitars are used the key can be raised by using capos. It is common for an aluminum milk jug to be used as a percussion instrument. To see and hear this folk song performed in Gypsy style using traditional instruments, a youtube video is available at:


recorded on cd-09. The text of this piece is in Beas (pronounced beh-osh), one of several Gypsy languages found in Central Europe. The origin of the text and music are unknown. It has been passed down orally from generation to generation.