gai bintang (ssaattbb)
- Catalog ID: S-229
- First Line: gai bintang alek gagar bulan
- Composer: Budi Susanto
- Voicing: ssaattbb
- Accompaniment: a cappella
- Language: Madurese
- Country: Indonesia
- Series: Music Of Asia And The Pacific
- Other: 2005 cd07, MAP
- Score: View Score
- Sound: Listen
As with many traditional songs, Gai Bintang is a children’s play-song. Playing together, young boys and girls sing as they imagine reaching high into the sky to touch the stars and moon. Gai Bintang is sung by the Madurese people who comprise about 7.5% of Indonesians making them the third largest ethnic group in Indonesia.
Click the link below to order the pronuncation CD that goes along with this piece: