quant j’ai ouy le tabourin (ssaa)


  • Catalog ID: S-205
  • First Line: quant j'ai ouy le tabourin
  • Composer: William Brown
  • Voicing: ssaa
  • Solo: SS
  • Accompaniment: percussion
  • Language: French
  • Country: Canada
  • Series: Jean Ashworth Bartle Series
  • Other: 2004 cd06, girls, women
  • Score: View Score
  • Sound: Listen


In the opening of Quant j’ai ouy le tambourin the choir simulates the sounds of sunrise and the thoughts of a young woman as she desires to return to a deep sleep.  Later, the sounds of mourning doves are heard as the other voices portray the conflict in the mind of the sleeper: “Shall I remain complacent and continue to rest?” or “Shall I rise and participate in the Mayday activities?”  The rhythmic tambourine incites the other young men and women to a day full of fun and frolic, but the young woman decides not to give in to the power of the tambourine, and she drifts back into a deep sleep as the opening music is heard again.

This piece features aleatoric graphic notation.   A recording can be found on CD-06.