olvido (satb)
- Catalog ID: S-136c
- First Line: cierra los ojos y a oscuras pierdete (close your eyes and lose yourself in darkness)
- Composer: Sid Robinovitch
- Voicing: satb
- Accompaniment: piano
- Language: Spanish
- Country: Canada
- Other: 2001 cd04
- Score: View Score
- Sound: Listen
Each of the three movements of Canciones por las Americas reflects a different aspect of Latin American culture. Noche de lluvia (S-136a or S-220 ssaa) is the most traditional, having a definite Spanish flavor. Sensemaya (S-136b) echoes the African heritage of the text’s Cuban author. Olvido (S-136c) is of a more contemporary nature, expressing the inward psychological orientation of the modern world. The suite is sold in three separate octavos. A full recording of the suite is found on CD-04.