meditabor (ssaa) S-488


  • Catalog ID:
  • First Line: Meditabor in mandatis tuis,
  • Accompaniment: a capella
  • Series: Saint Mary's College Choral Series
  • Score: View Score
  • Sound: Listen


Text and Translation

Meditabor in mandatis tuis, quae dilexi valde                                                     I will meditate in orders thy, which I loved very

et levabo manus meas ad mandata tua,                                                                 and I will lift hands mine to orders thy,

quae dilexi.                                                                                                                   which I loved.


I will meditate

on thy commandments,

which I have loved exceedingly.

and I will lift up my hands

to thy commandments,

which I have loved.

Published: 2023